Working with Gnome 3.42

I’m back on Ubuntu with the Gnome 3 desktop environment and here are a few customsations to make it more productive and make moving between Gnome 3 & Windows simple. ...

February 24, 2022 · 3 min · 540 words

Windows 10 Revamp

My notes on wiping Windows 10, which configuration options to watch out for and a list of useful programs. The whole process of wiping, installing and provisioning with a basic set of programs can be complete in an hour with a fast Solid-State Drive and modern hardware. ...

June 26, 2020 · 3 min · 634 words

Enjoying GNOME 3.4

The options Nearly every mildly experienced GNU-like OS user has had to content with the problem of which graphical environment to install, why?, because it’s how we use OS these days, with point and click. People are often perplexed by the choice even existing as the dominent OS of the day hardly allow you to modify your environment at all let-alone replace it all together with another groups systems. ...

August 4, 2013 · 9 min · 1852 words